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What Puppy Families Say About Us And Our Pups...


Wanted to give you a quick update on Leo.  You had his personality pretty well pegged.  He’s energetic, curious and fun loving.  And of course it drives our old girl Lena crazy.  She wants nothing to do with him but as you predicted he shrugs it off and keeps coming back to see if she wants play.  He cried a few times from his crate the first night but after that sleeps well through the night.  Still working on the house training but there’s been progress.  He is of course a big hit in the neighborhood—young and old want to play with him. Thanks again for everything.  All the up front info and cd as well as the online places to buy stuff have been really helpful.

~ Bob Stonebrook, Carlsbad CA


I just wanted to thank you again for giving us the most wonderful puppy! She is so smart, it's almost scary. At 10 weeks she is completely housebroken, sleeps all night in her crate and knows so many commands (sit, down, come, shake, get in bed, touch hand). Not to mention she's very friendly with everybody and curious and confident about new things. I am so happy we found you as a breeder.

~ Graves Family, Los Angeles CA


"Hanson Weimaraners produced a very special pup...our Diego.  We had two weims from a different breeder before Diego and they were from championship lines and were great looking.  Our standards were set very high.  We found many breeders on the internet, but not any others that produced the majestic looking Weims that have come from Hanson Weimaraners.  Diego has been extremely easy to train in basic obedience as well as a few tricks.  He LOVES the water and is becoming a strong swimmer.  He is great with our children and is very social with other dogs.  He has strong hunting instincts even though we have not trained him to be a hunting dog.  He is truly remarkable to watch when he spots a bird and goes into hunting mode or point position.  These are amazing dogs and the Hansons do a great job of keeping you up to date once your pup is born.  We have continued to keep in contact with the many questions that have come up.  Jessica always responds quickly with good advice or information.  We cannot say enough good things about Hanson Weimaraners and we hope that you get the opportunity to add one of their dogs to your family."

~ The Hatchers, San Luis Obispo


"To all our Weimaraner Friends:

We purchased our female Weim from the Kiah/Cosmo Aug 21st 2010 litter. Let me tell you she (Kayla or KK) is a treat to be around and one heck of a natural hunter. Smart, lovable and very spoiled, gets whatever she wants. We hunted over KK at 5 months old and were very impressed with her ability at that age. KK is now undergoing field training with a professional trainer. We enjoyed meeting and doing business with the Hanson’s, both of them were very in tune to what we were looking for. They both did a great job in placing us with an excellent friend. We recommend this breeder to anyone looking for a quality hunter or pet."

~ Chris and Michelle Villarreal, Redlands CA


"Our Weimaraner pup, Sherpa, has changed our lives! She is such a joy and the center of attention wherever we go! She is so smart. I attribute this to her great breeding. I cannot say enough about Hanson Weimaraners. They take such care and know so much about breeding Weimaraners. People we meet that have/or have had this breed comment on Sherpa's great temperament and how beautiful her features are. These dogs are the best. You cannot go wrong with a Weim from the Hanson's. Take a chance and change your life forever!"
~ Lynn, Scottsdale AZ


"Jessica,  Chief is now almost three years old. He is a pup from Cosmo and Ziva. Chief is the highlight of our lives. He works with me everyday and when he comes home in the afternoons he gets his "whoopie" or blanket as we know it and nurses it until he goes to sleep. He has to have his afternoon nap after a hard day's work. When he wakes up from his nap he begins to ask to go for a ride on our Polaris ranger to cap off his evening. Kristie and I actually ride while Chief runs. We have really enjoyed Chief. He makes our lives interesting and fun packed every day. Thanks for blessing us with such a wonderful friend!!"
~ Corey, Robertsdale AL


"Kira is a wonder dog. She is stunningly beautiful and often disturbingly brilliant. She hears about how beautiful and smart she is from strangers we encounter so frequently, that I often jokingly tell her that she's "a stupid ugly dog" so it doesn't go to her head.  If you'd like to walk around hearing about your gorgeous dog and it's incredible eyes, get a Hanson Weim!  If you'd like to make all the children you encounter laugh and clap and wave at your dog, who, like a superstar circus dog, has learned to wave back after 15 minutes of training, get a Hanson Weim!   If you're ready to hold your tongue when you overhear one stranger tell another that your gorgeous dog is a Wimmer-rammer, a wommernommer, a white merengue, or a wamarama, get a Hanson Weim! She is not a barker- One bark to alert me to someone coming up the walk, maybe; but neither is she silent- She grumbles like an old man if I'm talking too loudly when she's trying to sleep.  It's pretty cute, and sometimes I poke her when she's dozing just to hear here mutter at me. She squeals when she yawns. Kira is eager to understand what I want, and carefully assess what's in it for her if she does it- I swear she'd do my taxes for the right amount of liver.  I mentioned she was smart- I foolishly taught her how to flip the light switch. Want to know how to get me to pay attention to you when I'm reading? Turn off the lights. Now on. Now off. On. Off. Want to play tug? I foolishly taught her to ring a bell when she needs to go out. She brilliantly taught me to drop what I'm doing, jump up and run to open the door every time I hear a bell.   Kira is paid attention to and exercised often. She is happy, healthy, loyal, and an incredible mix of goofy and serious. She's my best friend, my kiddo, my donkey." 
~ Tristan, San Diego CA


"Life with two rambunctious, intelligent, beautiful, full of life and personality Weimaraners is never ending fun!  Ziva and Cosmo are the biological parents to both my pups and because of that you’d think they’d be similar in their size and personality…think again!  Kona will be four this summer and weighs 100 pounds (he has the slow gene) and Kaiah is almost three and weighs a firm 70 pounds.  Kona loves to swim in our pool and Kaiah would rather bathe in the sun.   Kona loves to eat and Kaiah would rather play with her ball.  Kona barks at bugs and Kaiah could care less.  Kona’s been nicknamed “Galoot” and Kaiah’s our little “Gazelle”.   They couldn’t be more opposite however, they share a few things in common….their love and devotion to my husband and I!  They have brought us more joy then we could’ve ever imagined.  We are truly, truly Blessed!"  
~ The Joiners, Huntington Beach CA


"Our 7 month old pup, Grey, is the most gentle, curious, smart, gorgeous, and eager guy.  He is a favorite at the local dog park, where he has yet to meet another dog (or dog owner) he didn't love, and has had his picture taken with more than one Los Angeles tourist!  He is a joy to take hiking, where we have been able to trust him off leash since he was quite young, and is a cozy couch-mate at the end of the day.  He is a fast learner, seemingly thrilled to learn new tricks, and is incredibly loyal.  I need only call his name and he leaves whatever activity he's interested in to run to my side - needless to say we are the envy of the dark park!  Grey is our first dog, and Jessica and Randy have been endlessly supportive, providing ongoing advice and sharing our excitement about his latest adventures.  He loves going back to the Ranch for visits!  Grey's sweet personality, his comfy companionship, and his ability to roll with what's going on in the family (rigorous activity or mellow mood) has far exceeded my dog-owning hopes and expectations.  I am constantly passing along the Hanson's information to admirers we meet on the streets and canyon trails of Los Angeles.
~ May, Los Angeles CA


"We were lucky to have found Hanson Weimaraners when we decided to get a puppy! Jessica was and is a great resource for us as we were preparing to bring our pup home. She knows her puppies and chose the best puppy for our family. The Hanson's provide well cared for and loved puppies. I will never forget driving through their gate and seeing Jessica standing there holding our puppy in its pink collar. She had bathed her and had all of the information ready for us. We brought home a beautiful, well adjusted, socialized puppy. If we were to get another Weimaraner it would be from the Hanson's and we would highly recommend them to anyone who is ready to adopt a Weimaraner puppy."

~ Lynn, Scottsdale AZ


I wanted to write to provide some pictures of Pete.  We went camping this past week up near Mammoth Lakes, we tent-camped and took the dogs on hikes and to Horseshoe lake (dog friendly) for an afternoon.  Pete did fantastic!  He is a little machine that one, he wanted to go and go and go.  He obviously loved our hikes and adventures and being able to run out on the trails and through the creeks. We also have gotten a TON of compliments on him, on how beautiful he is, what a great dog etc.  Even the vet mentioned how well bred he was.  We did an initial puppy training and keep on continuing to train him ourselves.  He is very food motivated and very smart.  We are very  happy to have him in our family.  Pete and our other dog play very well together and are obviously happy to have the company.

~ Ludwig Family, Rossmoor CA 


"We lost our beloved Weimeraner, Nike, in July 2008.  My husband works from our home and Nike was his “secretary,” spending the entire day with him in his office. I decided to give my husband a weimeraner puppy for our anniversary and found the Hansons via the AKC website.  Jessica was compassionate and understanding as I completed the questionnaire, and then provided a “presentation packet” to give my husband on our anniversary that opened with a picture of a weimeraner puppy and included information about Hanson’s Weimeraners and the parents, Cosmo and Ziva. I have never seen anyone “speechless” before, but that was my husband’s reaction when he opened the packet. Jessica and Randy provided us with pictures of Ziva right before she delivered, and then weekly pictures of the puppies from birth to the “announcement email” introducing us to our new puppy, Phineas Finn. Finn is now 11 weeks old and he is the sweetest, most well-adjusted puppy we have ever had.  Jessica knew we wanted a companion pet that would be with us 24/7 and she made the perfect selection for our family.  Finn arrived well-socialized, fearless, and ready to make himself at home. Our two cats love him and he loves playing with them.  We were so fortunate to find Jessica and Randy. They do everything right that a breeder should do, plus much, much more. Jessica answered all my random questions, provided us with information on training and behavior, and was waiting to meet us with two beautiful puppies when we drove up to their house (we drove another family’s puppy up to Northern California). We received a gift pack that included leash, toys, treats, a CD of photos, and an information packet that provided us with everything we needed to know about our new puppy. The entire experience was amazing. If you are thinking of buying a weimeraner puppy, choose the Hansons – you will not only receive a beautiful puppy, but a link to two thoughtful, caring people who are invested in their dogs and dedicated to making sure their puppies find the right homes.  We are so thankful for Finn!  Thank you Jessica and Randy!" 

~ John and Debby, Moraga CA



"Thought you might want to know how Henry's doing. I can't even begin to tell you the amount of joy this pup has brought us. He is SO smart, loving and eager to please. He has taken to his crate so well and at night, has never once whined or yelped. He knows where to potty and sleeps like a baby! I can't believe how well he's taken to his new home. Between the boys, my daughter, myself and my boyfriend Joey, he has so much attention! I just wanted to let you know and to thank you for such a wonderful dog. I mean the dog has even taken to his chew toys and only now and then attempts the furniture..I know we have a long way to go but he is just amazing. On a personal level, I just want to tell you that this family has been through a lot. I thought long and hard about getting a pup because I knew how much work it would entail. Especially a Weim..However, going through you and getting a beautiful dog like Henry, and seeing the happiness and joy he has already brought is priceless. Thank you so much. We'll bring Henry up to visit soon!"
~ Monica, Rancho Santa Fe CA


"You offer the best service. I enjoyed our pictures and updates so much, I made sure I did the same thing with Bella's litter. I learned a lot from you, so thank you for being such a great example."

~ Heather of Roadrunner Kennels, Hockley TX


"Thank you so much for the photos and for the information!  I am so impressed with the way you run this whole process (from the questionnaire you have families fill out, to providing recommendations and information to help owners provide the best life possible for your puppies, to the photo updates (which are SO exciting to receive!!))." Later after having pup for a month: "Scout is just fabulous. She and our lab, Levi, are the best of friends. She is such a cuddler and is SO smart!  Her training is going really well, and Levi is helping by showing her all the ropes. ;)  She loves to just run - with me, or chasing after Levi. Our children adore her -- It's hard to remember our family when she wasn't a part of it!"  

~ Natasha, San Juan Capistrano CA


"Jag is now about 16 weeks old. As you know I bought him to use as a hunting dog, but to be my companion as well. Even though he is still very young, there are some things that really stand out about him. First, he is very bold. He never runs away from new things, he always carefully investigates. I like that in a puppy because it will carry over to their field work later on. Second, he is very proud. He always has his tail up and he prances when he has something in his mouth. I have let him chase a few pigeons and he appears at this age to have the making of a good field dog. He has learned to use his nose, and his prey drive is increasing the more he gets to chase birds... Bottom line is I am very happy with him so far, and will continue to keep you posted as to his progress."

Update at 1 year old: "I just wanted to brag a little about Jag. He placed second in the Sporting Dog Club event this weekend. Patch took first, but really, I think the judge made a mistake. Jag had the best day he has ever had. He had two awesome points that he held long enough for me to flush out a bird. They were big boy points too, staunch, and focused. At one point he started tracking a running bird, and stayed with it for a long ways. The judge and I saw the bird poke its head up out of the grass, but it headed out of the field, so we had to give up on it. His performance really made my day!!

~ Mary of San Diego Sporting Dog Club, Alpine CA


"Opus is so sweet and lovey...when he's not bounding with energy. I feel very lucky that we were able to find a pup who is beautiful both physically and in spirit. It amazes me that you knew his personality at such a young age. I'm grateful for Opus and for your thoughtfulness when sending us this wonderful animal."

~ Sarah, Appleton WI


"Copper has been a dream. He is smart and handsome and everyone in Wasilla Alaska loves him. At the Civil Air Patrol hangar they have adopted him as their "mascot." At the high school (where no dogs are allowed) the principal insists that I bring Copper in at least once a week so everyone can see him.  Most of the comments I get are about how well behaved he is, great disposition.  It is very clear that Copper has a great blood line." " I can not say enough about the experience of purchasing our Weimeraner from Hanson Weims.  The process of reserving and paying for our puppy was convenient.  We felt very included in the puppy's life prior to delivery with videos, photos, and frequent email updates.  Jessica exceeded my rather high expectations in the area of follow-up and organization.  Packets were complete and easy to follow, air reservations were coordinated seamlessly, updates and reminders continue even after puppy arrives.  Lastly we live in an extreme climate and our puppy adapted very quickly to the cold
weather.  Alaska Air Cargo employees treated our puppy so well during the long trip from California to Alaska, it was first class all the way.  I would not only recommend a puppy from Hansen Weimaraner's I'm wishing I had gotten two.  I've already emailed The President Elect with my advice for their new puppy: A Weimeraner in the White House."

~ Pam, Wasilla AK


"I've been spoiled! This was my first experience with a breeder and I can't say enough about my positive experience and these wonderful people. From the very first email to their random inquiries, the communication has been excellent. If I ever had or have a question, the Hanson’s respond immediately. These people truly care about their dogs and their future. On the day the puppies were born I received a “congratulations” email and for the next several weeks I received pictures along with constant updates on their health, behavior, habits, activity and over all personalities. The Hanson’s aren't just concerned with the well being of their puppies while in their care, they care about them after they go off to their new homes. They do their best to match each puppy with the perfect owner, ours was a perfect fit. To help educate me on my new addition and create a smooth transition for all of us, the Hanson’s sent me links to videos and ebooks. When the time had come to bring our puppy home we were ready.  This puppy was a surprise gift for my husband. The Hanson’s were about excited as I was to introduce the two to of them to each other. Our puppy was anxiously waiting for us, bow and all!  We received a packet which included his family history, all AKC paperwork needed to register him, his current shots and detailed information on how to raise a healthy and happy dog.  They even sent us off with a collar, a leash, supply of puppy food and coupons for our future buys. As we introduce him to our friends, family and strangers it unanimous that our puppy comes from a very health family tree.  He’s healthy, strong, very handsome and extremely intelligent. Like I said, I’ve been spoiled.  The Hanson’s have raised the bar for all breeders! From the bottom of our hearts…we thank you so much!!" 

~ Terri, Huntington Beach CA


"The Hanson's have something few other private breeders have...a sense of family. From the first day my husband and I met the Hanson's it was clear that Ziva and Cosmo, weren't just dogs. They were their family. Ziva and Cosmo have a warm, safe, loving, and structured home that show's in there personality. Jessica answered all our questions and concerns, whether it was over the phone, by email, or in person. That right there made a world of difference! I'm confident that my new Weim friend couldn't have come from a better set of parents. She's such a smart and loving little girl. I can never thank the Hanson's enough."

~ Natali, Oceanside CA


"Our entire experience with Hanson Weims has been outstanding! From the beginning we were impressed with how knowledgeable and sincere Jessica and Randy are. Since we live only an hour away we were able to go by early and see the Sir and Dam before the litter was born. Immediately we liked the fact that the Hanson’s own both parents and show a true love for all the animals on their ranch.  It was at that moment we knew we had found the right breeder. We were astonished by all the dogs’ accolades and the champion history in their lineage.

Jessica kept us informed with various updates on a weekly basis by sending pictures of the puppies, which helped us feel connected from the start. All nine puppies in the litter turned out perfect, and we are thrilled with our female puppy named “Dakota”. The morning we picked her up we were given a puppy care package, which included toys, photo album, DVD, and all her documentation. Jessica has been very helpful and is always quick to respond to any questions or concerns. We continue to keep a friendship with the Hanson’s and can always count on them to share their expertise.

Our puppy Dakota is turning out better than we could have ever imagined. She is beautiful, healthy, intelligent, affectionate, and full of energy. Anywhere we take her we are stopped frequently and questioned where we got her from and given several compliments.  At three months she was already house broken, and using a doggy door. Now at four months she has learned a dozen tricks including sit, speak, shake, down, play dead, roll over, high five, stay, and more. We’ve never been with a dog that learns so quickly.

Hanson Weims has made this the best puppy experience imaginable. The high quality breed that we have in Dakota with the compassion and wisdom we have received from Jessica and Randy has made this addition to our family priceless. We are confident that your experience will be as positive and rewarding as ours has been each step of the way." 

- Mary, San Diego CA

Hi Jessica,

I just wanted to let you know what an amazing experience this whole process of getting Arlo has been. From the very first time I contacted you, inquiring about litters, you have been very quick to respond and courteous. My family and I always looked forward to receiving updates about Piper's pregnancy, delivery and newborn photos of the pups. You have a wealth of knowledge to share and we were very happy to hear all your input and recommendations. It was such a pleasure to get to meet and talk with you and your sweet girls when we picked up Arlo. And I'm pretty sure we got the cutest puppy EVER too! To anyone looking to get an amazing Weimaraner, you have come to the right place!


-Courteney, CA

We adopted Henri about 10 months ago, I can't say its all been easy but its all been incredibly rewarding. This energetic, stunning, lovable 75 lb puppy has been a wonderful addition to my family. He was almost exactly as Jessica told me he would be as far as temperament, drive and sociability. Amazing how she picked out just the right puppy for our needs. He gets along well with other dogs, has may human friends and fans as wells He is so smart and easy to train, sometimes a little too smart and  training me in the process.. He is great off leash and this as allowed me to take him horseback riding with me. He runs in front of my horse, easily staying ahead, this dog is fast! My horse who doesn't like to be out on the trails alone without other horses has accepted Henri as a substitute trail mate.  It took a couple of months of encouragement but he is now an enthusiastic swimmer and loves to fetch in the pool. At the end of an active day he will lie mostly on me with his head on my chest and fall asleep.  No sweeter way to end both of our days. Thank you Jessica for a wonderful companion. 

- Wendi

We have gotten Daisy (22months) and Jager (8months) from Hanson’s and couldn’t be more pleased. Their pups are bred to the proper Weimaraner standards, socialized early with children, and nurtured with health and loving care a priority. They keep their breeding lines clean by bringing dogs in from various countries and give you detailed info on care and training. Their onsite facilities are impressive and they are extremely professional and a pleasure to work with. The purchase price is very reasonable and they keep you updated with constant images and videos as the pups grow and mature.

-Glenn Bickert, Lake Forest, CA.

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